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On 24 November, the European Commission released a legislative proposal outlining the road-map towards common European deposit protection, to be achieved by 2024. The proposal envisages three stages: i) until 2020, a system of reinsurance; ii) progressive mutualisation through a system of co-insurance until 2024, and iii) f…

This presentation gives an overview of the global regulatory reform developed in recent years and the institutional framework that accompanies it.

The recovery in the Mexican economy is beginning to show in the lending and deposit figures reported by the banking system. The stronger performance of jobs and consumer spending has fed through into a recovery of credit. Deposit-taking has pic…

The Spanish banking sector has gone through one of the most comprehensive and thorough restructurings in the eurozone. This paper reviews the successive measures taken to reform the banking sector since the crisis began, particularly those adop…

• Sólo 22% de los adultos cuentan con algún tipo de seguro privado • Se establece el Seguro Obligatorio de Responsabilidad Civil para Tránsito Carretero • La Reforma Financiera prohíbe las ventas atadas a la contratación de algún producto o s…

The solvency of the Spanish system is not as bad as it may be inferred from the results of the recent EBA exercise, which does not address banks' balance sheet problems, such as legacy or real estate assets.

La reforma financiera ha pasado del tsunami político y mediático, al trabajo más técnico y de detalle, parecido a completar un Tetris

Los autores revisan la evolución del sistema financiero chino en su aspecto cualitativo, concretamente en las reformas emprendidas para la modernización del sistema, estructurándolas en 3 bloques: reestructuración bancaria, liberalización finan…