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Research, development and innovation (R+D+I) are undoubtedly pending issues in Spain. Poor performance in this area has severe consequences for our economy. For example, the fact that there has been no growth in labor productivity in recent years and the resulting impact on wages.

This report evaluates the state of R&D in Spain and anaylzes the factors that hinder innovation. The implementation of the necessary reforms is essential for Spain to achieve its R&D objectives and increase its potential growth.

La crisis ha puesto de manifiesto las debilidades estructurales de la economía española, que exigen reformas para resolverlas con éxito y converger a aquellos países que lo han hecho mejor en términos de crecimiento, empleo y bienestar social.

This paper shows that reducing anti-competitive regulation in the provision of upstream services has a positive and sizeable effect on the volume of exports of manufacturing firms.