
Fiscal consolidation

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Brazil: recovery prospects remain in place, despite weaker growth at the beginning of 2019

Growth recovery is slowing down in Brazil. The deceleration in the world economy, as well as slow and limited progress in the local adoption of economic reforms –particularly in the social security- will limit the economy’s capacity for growth in the coming years. We expect GDP to grow 1.8% in both 2019 and 2020.

The Brazilian economy will grow 2.2% in 2019 and 1.8% in 2020, stimulated by factors such as the expansive tone of monetary policy and the increase in confidence. However, prospects for growth recovery are now less positive, mainly due to the v…

The next government is expected to propose measures to tackle the fiscal imbroglio and other problems, but there are doubts about its capacity to implement reforms given the fragmentation of Congress and political polarization. All in all, the …

Average growth in Latin America has been hindered in 2018 (0.9%) by the recession in Argentina, although it will recover in 2019 (1.8%) and 2020 (2.6%). The region presents highly diverse economic perspectives, with crisis in Argentina, uncerta…

The Brazilian economy will continue to recover slowly in the coming years. The gradual strengthening of domestic demand and the normalization of food prices will help to drive both inflation and interest rates upwards. The next government will likely take measures to reduce fiscal vulnerability, although it will hardly mana…

Growth prospects deteriorate due to the financial volatility, the negative effects of exchange rate depreciation, doubts about whether the next government will face fiscal problems and the consequences of the recent truckers’ strike, among other factors. Thus the recovery process will be more gradual than expected

In the current climate of global financial volatility, it is wise to send signals of fiscal responsibility. The government is committed to fiscal consolidation with a primary surplus of 0.2% of GDP in 2017, the first primary surplus since 2008

Budget execution until November is on course for complying with the fiscal target. The recovery in activity is driving revenues and bringing social charges down, allowing the public deficit to improve from last year. Nevertheless, taking all th…

Durante la actual crisis económica se ha producido un deterioro sin precedentes del saldo presupuestario de las AA.PP. en España.