
Fiscal reform

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The 2024 Economic Package was built with realistic macroeconomic assumptions. The fiscal equilibrium will be maintained in spite of such package setting a target of -1.2% of GDP for next year’s primary balance.

The tax reform includes social measures, mainly transitory, to mitigate the effects of the pandemic on the most vulnerable and raises revenues in COP15.2 trillion on a permanent basis. Of this, 70% from corporate taxes and the rest from anti-evasion and austerity. The fiscal rule is also reformed.

There are expectations of a gradual recovery, however, if we seek an accelerated recovery in 2021, a series of strategies must be taken, which will manage to strengthen biosafety measures, labor market conditions and the confidence of the popul…

Effective from January 1, 2018, President Trump's fiscal reform enforced, among other aspects, a reduction of the federal corporate income tax rate from 35% to 20%. As soon as discussions on the reform began, concerns started to arise in Mexico…

Effective from January 1, 2018, President Trumps fiscal reform enforced, among other aspects, a reduction of the federal corporate income tax rate from 35% to 20%. As soon as discussions on the reform began, concerns started to arise in Mexico …

The net effect of the proposed tax changes on house prices will be limited. Doubling the standard deduction will increase the incentives to rent. The lower cap on mortgage interest deduction can lower prices of homes in higher price ranges over time. Other tax proposals will tighten housing market conditions and generate up…

In the United States a reduction is envisaged in the federal tax rate on companies from 35 to 20%. In Mexico there are voices saying this would be more serious for the country’s economy than the breakdown of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This is nonsense.

We revised down our GDP forecasts to 0.6% in 2017 and 1.5% in 2018, largely due to the upsurge of political tensions. Nevertheless, the economy will likely continue to recover, leaving behind the recession. Among other factors, the recovery wil…

We estimate Tax Reform will have a total impact on inflation at around 0.9 pp to 2016. However, we expect that market has already internalized much of the impact on asset prices from April, at the beggining of discussion in Congress. All in all…

Bachelet prometió en la campaña cambios en educación, fiscalidad, energía y productividad.

La actualización de las proyecciones fiscales para el año 2014 reveló que este año el déficit fiscal efectivo subirá desde 0,9% del PIB estimado en el Presupuesto a un rango entre 1,7% y 2% del PIB dependiendo de si se aprueba o no la reforma tributaria. Esta estimación considera la reforma inicial, antes del protocolo, por…

Chilean government expenditures should help to support aggregate activity figures in 2H14. Meanwhile the credit conditions survey revealed more restrictive conditions in both consumer loans and mortgages. In Colombia, President Santos confirmed Cárdenas as the Minister of Finance, a sign of continuity of economic policies t…