
Fiscal Union

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Since the beginning of the pandemic, the performance of the key economic indicators has been disrupted, particularly in terms of the sharp swings in activity and now the persistence of inflation. Policy priorities have also been strongly affected.

The European Union has reached a deal on its recovery fund, Next Generation (NGEU), that will play a significant role in the future of European economies. Difficult negotiations have shown that divisions remain but the outcome has been very positive.

This presentation discusses the existing inequality in the European Union, explained by factors such as unemployment, severe poverty and education, among others, and the policies needed to move towards a more socially integrated EU.

The European Council today discussed the "Five Presidents Report" on completing Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union. This milestone towards more integrated Eurozone governance builds on the work initiated in 2012 and outlines the roadmap towar…

1. Maastricht 1.0 | 2. The crisis | 3. Maastricht 2.0 and the role of the banking union | 4. Towards a fiscal union?