
Fixed-term employment

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Formal employment added 109 thousand new jobs in January, 2.4% less than in 2023, with a marked slowdown in manufacturing and services. Real wage increased 5.6% YoY (15.4% above pre-pandemic), and the total wage bill grew 8.8% YoY (23.9% above pre-pandemic).

The formal job creation continues to show strength, with a year-on-year growth of 3.4% in September; in cumulative figures from January to September 757K new jobs have been created, the fourth-highest since 1998.

In February, 176 thousand jobs were created (3.4% YoY), marking the second-highest job creation since 1998. Although this is a significant growth, it aligns with the expected slowdown.

The labour market reform changes the sectoral distribution of contracts by duration: those sectors with a greater weight in shorter duration contracts, such as Accommodation and food service activities and Agriculture, forestry and fishing, los…

Seven months after its entry into force, the labor reform has many bright spots, but also some shadows. Continuous evaluation could prevent the reduction in temporary employment from being overshadowed by the increase in turnover and the partia…

Permanent contracts increased by 209% in the first half of 2022 compared to pre-pandemic records, while temporary contracts fell by 37%, bringing the temporary employment ratio to its lowest level since 1985. However, it is still too early to accurately assess the transitory and permanent effects of the labour reform.