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Lima's Consumer Price Index fell 0.11% m/m in August, in line with our expectations and the market (Bloomberg Consensus: -0.08% m/m), the second lowest figure so far this year. With this result, year-on-year inflation decreased to 1.7%, compared to 1.9% the previous month.

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  • Peru

Consumer prices increased by 0.03% in June, lower than consensus but slightly higher than ours (0.2% Bloomberg vs. -0.15% BBVA Research). Supported by the base effects, annual inflation declined to 15.7% from 18.7% in May.

Consumer prices increased 2.61% (mom) in June, remarkably higher than expectations. Thus, annual consumer inflation hit 15.4%, the highest level since December 2003, up from 12.2% in May. Assuming no additional negative currency shock, we estim…

Consumer inflation recorded 0.99% (mom) in March, in line with the market expectation (1%) but higher than ours (0.75%) on the discrepancy due to surprising food inflation.Recent exchange rate depreciation, upward risks on growth and high inert…