
GDP per working-age person (WAP)

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This Observatory evaluates the factors that explain the cyclical behavior of GDP in Spain, full-time equivalent employment and productivity up to 4Q2023.

This Observatory evaluates the factors explaining the behavior of the Spanish economy during 2022, and estimates the structural shocks behind the growth of GDP per working-age person (WAP), the GDP deflator and real wages.

This Economic Watch evaluates the factors that explain the behavior of the Spanish economy between the third quarter of 2020 and the second quarter of 2022, and estimates the structural shocks behind the growth of GDP per working-age person (WA…

The new labor reform was achieved with a social consensus. It clears up uncertainties, makes several improvements and avoids going back on key progress made in the last decade. But it is not ambitious enough to solve the structural problems of …

This Economic Watch updates the analysis of the factors determining the economic cycle in Spain, with the information available up to the second quarter of 2021, including the major revision of GDP and its components carried out by INE in septe…