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In Colombia, 76.4% of men are in the labour force. By contrast, only 52.1 per cent of women do so. This disparity, which is called the gender gap in the labour participation rate, is marked in Colombia, reaching 24.3 percentage points.

The labor informality rate in Colombia is higher for men (58%) than for women (53%), unlike other countries in the region. However, in specific subgroups like educational level and rural areas, women are more informal. Policies should focus on formality as a means to combat poverty.

The labor market in May showed a gender gap in the national unemployment rate of 3.1 percentage points, the lowest since 2010, highlighting an advance in gender equity in Colombia.

We analyse the evolution of the labour market until May 2023 in this edition of OTMT. We take stock of the evolution of the main aggregate indicators and focus on the evolution of employment and effective working hours and gender differences in…

Historically, economic crises have had heterogeneous effects, but on this occasion, the consequences have been particularly devastating for women. This is partly explained by structural characteristics and those caused by the pandemic, issues t…

In Colombia, the gender gap in the labor market already existed before the pandemic; however, the suspension of in-person education mainly affected the employment of women who were not heads of households and households with children, widening the gap in the labor participation rate and possibly the wage gap.

Despite the progress made to close the different gender gaps that exist in the world, there is still evidence of the disadvantages that women face in terms of participation and integration in different fields. Continuing to work towards greater equity adds up to economic benefits, spending capacity and social welfare.

There are structural problems in the Colombian labor market, among these, female unemployment stands out, which is linked to different cultural and social aspects, then what must be done is to apply a series of measures to be able to reduce thi…

Next Monday, March 9, a national strike called “A day without us (women)” will take place. The economic impact is estimated to reach 34,571 million pesos: 23,200 million pesos in paid economic activities and 11,371 million pesos for unpaid work…

The first spacewalk by two women generated a lot of global attention last week. It shows that the young people of the world, but particularly of our emerging countries, must grow up convinced that they can do what they set out to do and that th…

In recent weeks, there has been much discussion on gender equality, following the decision of the Football Federation on the women's professional league and the complaints by female players about their pay schemes, harassment, abuse, and more.

Economic literature identifies a gender gap in financial literacy. This paper tests to what extent the gender gap is due to a misspecification problem or whether it exists because boys and girls do indeed have differing ways of acquiring financial literacy.