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The indebtedness of the private sector remains below that of peer countries, though signs of deterioration in NPL ratios started to be seen. Banks’ FC liquid assets are solid enough to cover their ST external debt. FC credit evolution and swap policies of the CBRT will be decisive for banks’ FC liquidity.

The indebtedness of different agents remains below that of peers. The composition of external debt has been shifting among the borrowers since 2018. There is the increasing trend led by public, compared to the ongoing decline in the private sector.

In this Working Paper, we analyze the effect of government size on social welfare and GDP per capita growth for the sample of 36 OECD countries in the last six decades.

Javier Milei will be the new president of Argentina. He takes office with the challenge of correcting strong imbalances in the fiscal, monetary and exchange rate fronts. The adjustment of spending and changes in relative prices will lead to an …

The expenditure growth stabilization and the strength shown by taxes, lead to lower the deficit forecast for 2020 to 11.5% of GDP. The Recovery funds represent an opportunity to favor fiscal adjustment and resume the downward path of public deb…

The 2020 deficit is revised to 13% due to the strength of tax collection. The fiscal policy of the coming years will be conditioned by the implementation of the Recovery Plan

The economic challenges for President Duque's remaining term are great and urgent, given the need to provide welfare for those who have lost their jobs and sources of income to the virus. Although the Government has acted swiftly to reach the most vulnerable, recovery measures need to be expedited.

The economic situation that the world is facing is different from what we have experienced in the last 70 years. In this crisis, the Colombian financial system entered with strong capital and liquidity positions, which has allowed it to absorb …

The public deficit deterioration will be greater than expected three months ago. In an unprecedented crisis, the sustainability of public debt could be compromised.

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the containment measures will have an extraordinary impact on public accounts. The deficit and the public debt will be at their highest levels in the last decade.

Budget execution data up to Nov-19 anticipate a further structural deterioration of the structural balance during 2019. For 2020-2021, and pending the completion of the new government's budget programme, the recently approved measures maintain the expansionary tone of fiscal policy

The Spanish economy is suffering a double impasse. Politically, although a government has just been formed, it is difficult to anticipate what support it will have for approving new general budgets and legislative initiatives that provide a new momentum for reform. Economically, GDP has slowed.