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This Working Paper presents the Output-side greenhouse gas Emission Intensity indicator (OEI), the first consistent and internationally-comparable country-indicator of the GHG emission intensity from a production-perspective; that is, territorial GHG emitted per unit of goods and services produced in a given year.

One of the strongest price rallies in history for various commodities (e.g. oil, copper, steel) is consolidating in 2021. The speed of the upside movement could make you think that we are at the start of a new commodities supercycle. If we are, it would be quite different from the previous ones.

Although GDP per capita is a good aggregate indicator of market activities (with some limitations due to digital disruption), a broader range of indicators than those traditionally used, such as GDP, is required to measure welfare and the progr…

The European Union's work for climate resilience continues with the recent progress toward the European Climate Law and the definition of the biodiversity strategy for the next decade.

The Spanish government's Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan aims to transform the Spanish economy by taking advantage of Next Generation EU grants and its Recovery and Resilience Facility, valued at about EUR 140 billion — just over h…

The transition to a greenhouse-gas-neutral economy is a necessity because of the physical risks involved in maintaining current policies, a challenge because of the rapid and substantial reduction needed, and also an opportunity to achieve long-term sustainable development.

The United States is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, making its involvement in the fight against climate a matter of critical importance.