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It is estimated that 12.3 million Mexican migrants reside in the world. 97.0%, more than 12 million, reside in the United States. This makes Mexico the second most important country of origin. 1 in 23 migrants worldwide are of Mexican origin.

To avoid a ‘demographic winter’ scenario, Spain needs immigration. But just because it is necessary does not mean that it is sufficient, nor that it does not pose major challenges for the labor market and when it comes to social cohesion.

Keeping up with the twin digital and green transition while coping with an aging population and the retirement of the baby boomer generation calls for the astute and successful management of migratory flows, which will drive employment from 202…

Moving Up the Economic Ladder: 20 Years of Financial Inclusion of the Mexican Migrant Community in the U.S. A joint publication between the University of California San Diego, Sin Fronteras IAP, the Financial Education department at BBVA México…

Despite these important flows, inflation and, mainly, the appreciation of the Mexican peso against the US dollar have led to households in Mexico receiving 12.6% fewer remittances in real terms in August.

Book edited by BBVA Research, BBVA Foundation and the National Population Council (CONAPO) made up of 10 chapters that addresses the main statistics on the multiple migratory flows and human mobility, and remittances at a global level, with an emphasis on Mexico.

Book edited by BBVA Research, BBVA Foundation and the National Population Council (CONAPO) made up of 10 chapters that addresses the main statistics on the multiple migratory flows and human mobility, and remittances at a global level, with an emphasis on Mexico.

There are 272 million migrants in the world in 2019, 23.0% more than in 2010. Mexico is the 2nd country with more migrants in the world. In 2019 there are 12.4 million Mexican migrants in the U.S. Remittances to Mexico will exceed 36 billion do…