
Inequality in consumption

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We analyze the distribution of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the consumption of Spanish households, considering spending levels, age, gender, and different types of goods and services. Our approach combines official data, the Input-Output methodology and BBVA data.

Regarding the National Financial Education Week, we recover the main advances, setbacks and changes that Mexico has had in financial inclusion and education. We present the most notable aspects of the National Policy for Financial Inclusion 2020, along with the latest figures of the country in financial inclusion.

A pesar del aumento en la desigualdad de ingresos, las familias más “favorecidas” redujeron el consumo total realizado por el hogar un 17,2% entre 2007 y 2015, mientras el gasto de los hogares más "desfavorecidos" disminuyó sólo un 7,6%. Esto g…