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Mexico faces significant structural economic challenges, with informality standing out as one of the most complex to address. Although there have been efforts to understand and analyze informality from various perspectives, these efforts have little impact as they remain outside the debate and action of public policy.

Participation in the labor market practically recovered; the return to classes on-site will improve the recovery of labor participation. Formal job creation surprises in July; additional, the removal of outsourcing allows the recovery and exceeds permanent employment levels prior to the pandemic.

Cash allowed humanity to abandon bartering, but the use of cash also involves significant problems. It facilitates tax evasion, corruption (Mexicans have become accustomed to watching videos in which corrupt politicians accept cash bribes).

Fewer formal jobs are currently being created in the country than in recent years —and that's worrying. The growth rate of formal employment positions had remained above 4% in recent years. However, it fell to 2.5% in May.

The number of Peruvians living in poverty increased to 6.9 million in 2017, an increase of 375,000 people, which meant that the monetary poverty rate increased by 1 pp to 21.7% of the population. The most likely cause is the weak expansion of f…

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  • Peru

One of the factors of the greatest upheaval to a country’s economic prospects is the substantial presence of the informal economy. The aim of this paper is to articulate a detailed statistical approach to identify the significance of such factors by examining key econometric strategies and availing ourselves of several diff…