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Digital transformation and technological advances have drastically changed the way in which consumers and businesses interact.

In talking about the current scenario of online sign-ups for financial products in Spain, we could refer to the lines of the poet Ramón de Campoamor, one of the exponents of Literary Realism: “it all depends on the colour / of the glass through which we look”.

In this issue we focus on: The framework for digital regulation in Latin America: How to balance innovation and safety?; Decentralized Applications (DApps): The building blocks of the future Internet; Instant payments; The cloud vs. mainframe c…

The ability to prove that you are who you say you are is a cornerstone of economic and social development, because it allows us access to basic public and private services, such as health, education and financial services... According to the Wo…

Peru is still lagging behind the region in the process of digitalisation. However, there have been advances such as the increased use of the internet by families, a reduction in the concentration of companies offering internet services and impr…

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To paraphrase Francisco de Quevedo, we are people who are glued to our mobiles, and these phones have to be exceptional, with an infinite Internet connection. This image, which can be applied to all information and communications technology (ICT), is especially evident among the young.

The use of ICT at home has spread extensively throughout Europe, albeit with differing intensity in each country. Based on Eurostat data, this observatory outlines the importance of computer use, of the internet and its ends during the recent recession, comparing European countries.

The Digitization Index (DiGiX) assesses the factors, agents’ behavior and institutions that enable a country to fully leverage Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for increased competitiveness and well-being. It is a composite ind…

El investigador del MIT, Kevin Ashton, acuñó el término de Internet de las Cosas (IoT, del inglés Internet of Things) en 1999, refiriéndose al mundo en el que cada objeto tiene una identidad virtual propia y capacidad potencial para integrarse …

Information and communication technologies (ITC) are a major growth driver for the global economy, as the interaction between agents is increasingly based on these instruments, especially Internet.

Uruguay is in a leading position in terms of digital content compared to other countries in the region, as shown in the 2015 Structural Digitization Index developed by BBVA Research. In this regard, Uruguay’s digital scenario is close to that of developed countries like Luxembourg, Ireland and Belgium, among others.

El acceso a los datos y su reutilización para la construcción de nuevos servicios son dos de las bases de la economía digital. Desde que en 2010 The Economist publicara su artículo “The data deluge” el término big data ha sido uno de los mantras de la nueva era de internet.