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February 19, 2024
Spain | Reducing the cost of bureaucratic procedures
There is tension in the public administration between how easy and fast public funds can reach businesses and families and the need to check that the funds will be used for the intended purpose. This causes delays in awarding subsidies and projects.
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October 28, 2021
Mexico | Banking deposits confirmed its strength in August
Fundamentals have been overweighted by Pandemic dynamics when explaining banking deposits, as consumption constrains and precautionary savings have supported sight deposits since March 2020. Going forward, the absence of a winter COVID wave could pave the way to a normalized behavior of consumption and savings.
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August 30, 2021
Mexico | Spending by households waned and shaped another uplift of deposits in June
As some signs of an economic slowdown lurked in June, households were unable to consolidate their spending pattern and, once again, contributed to an increase of total bank deposits. Corporates unexpectedly supported this increase possibly influenced by the outlook of higher interest rates.
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April 23, 2021
Mexico | The rebuilding of bank deposits towards demand deposits continues
Traditional bank deposits (sight + term) continued to grow in February, supported by the sight segment and despite the fall in the balance of time deposits during the last ten months. However, within sight deposits, there were changes in terms of their sources of growth.
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February 19, 2021
Mexico | Unexpected double-digit growth in traditional bank deposits during 2020
Deposits was the component of bank intermediation that most changed its trend as a result of the pandemic. As of last March, it became aware of the continuous increase of this component, which closed 2020 with 10 consecutive months with double-digit nominal annual growth rates.
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January 26, 2021
Mexico | Strength of sight deposits lessened the monthly drop of traditional bank deposits
In November 2020, recent trends in MoM growth of bank deposits were reinforced. On the one hand, sight deposits rose again supported by savings from individuals. On the other hand, term deposits kept falling in a context of lower rates and a historical recession .
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December 10, 2020
Mexico | Evolution of pandemic will continue to pose challenges for the financial system
The financial system has shown strength in the face of the adverse shocks generated by the pandemic and has maintained high levels of capital and ample liquidity, however, there is still uncertainty about the magnitude of the effects that this may have on the credit portfolio of the more vulnerable sectors.
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October 12, 2020
Mexico | Traditional deposits slowed down its monthly growth rate in August
In August, total demand deposits' (Sight deposits + Term deposits) monthly growth rate slowed down further, as a result of another monthly decline in Term deposits and the first monthly drop of Sight deposits from individuals in the last six months.
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September 23, 2020
Mexico | Demand deposits from individuals grew again in July
Bank deposits in July maintained the trend observed during the last two months. The balance of the bank's traditional deposits was lower in July compared to the previous month, both in its demand and in its term segments, in real terms.
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March 23, 2020
Liquidity and guarantees for markets in panic mode
The rapid outbreak of the new coronavirus (COVID-19), which has spread far beyond China, has wreaked havoc on financial markets. World stock markets have fallen by around 30% in just over a month, led by the transport, tourism, hotel industry and energy sectors, which has been followed by others such as finance.
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