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NFTs, ETFs, AI, VR, Web3, CBDCs, BEPS, NGEU... 2022 brings an alphabet soup for a slew of digital aims and strategies that come full of promise. Whether they take off or not will depend on moving forward steadily, with a focus on asking the right questions at each step.

The markets have performed well in 2021, even taking into account the recent corrections. A successful vaccination rollout supported the reopening of the economy which, along with the various fiscal stimulus packages, helped drive the recovery in domestic demand and increased investor appetite.

On December 30, the EU and China reached an agreement to expand mutual investment opportunities, pending approval by the European Parliament in the second half of 2021.

It is still too early to take stock of the year but, with a little more than a month to go until it ends, everything indicates that 2018 will have been the year in which the financial markets ran head on into reality. In 2017 a very positive to…

The European Commission recently issued a guide for countries wishing to be able to create bad banks for the purpose of managing their banks’ impaired assets, whether loans or repossessed assets. A bad bank is a public or private sector entity …

On the wake of the financial crisis, European banks undertook an important restructuring effort. This process was steered by the reaction of investors and public authorities, which adopted new regulation and implemented accommodative monetary policy. Despite the European harmonisation, idiosyncratic country factors led to a…