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Global growth moderates, but remains in line with our GDP growth projections of 3.8% for 2018. Manufacturing activity has lost momentum and the impact from protectionism is starting to weigh on confidence, global trade and investment. Risks have also heightened over the summer due to political uncertainty and idiosyncratic …

In May, industrial production fell by 0,5% MoM cvec, confirming the lack of dynamism observed since the beginning of the year. The production components continue to show mixed signals, from which the adjustments in equipment goods (-2,0% MoM cvec) and durable consumption goods evolutions (+2,1% m/m CVEC) stand out.

In line with what was expected, industrial production registered no growth in April after the positive adjustment in March (1,3% MoM cvec). Nevertheless, production components continue to show mixed signals out of which equipment goods stands o…

After two sluggish months, industrial production (IPI) was corrected upwards in March (1,2% MoM cvec), preventing a fall for the whole of 1Q16 (0,1% t/t cvec). Despite the upturn at the end of the quarter, IPI's components moderated their quart…

Industrial production (IPI) registered a second consecutive marginal fall (-0,2% MoM CVEC) in February, which entails a worse than expected behaviour. The majority of the IPI components evolved negatively, among which the energetic (-1,1% MoM …

Industrial production (IPI) behaved worse than expected in December, consolidating the slowdown throughout the second half of 2015. However, the trend remains positive in most of the components.

Industrial production (IPI) behaved as expected in November, consolidating the observed trend since 2013. Nevertheless, some mixed signals among the production components can still be observed.

Industrial production (IPI) behaved better than expected in October, consolidating the upward trend observed since 2013. However, some mixed signals remain among components production

Industrial production (IPI) surprised upward in September, confirming that the weakness in August was temporary. This, however, did not prevent the third quarter to close with a quarterly slowdown in industrial activity.

After nine months of uninterrupted growth, industrial production (IPI) fell by more than expected in August. However, the decrease in activity in that month was not widespread, and was strongly influenced by energy.

Industrial production (IPI) chained eight months of upward growth up to July, which consolidates the positive trend observed since the end of 2014. However, the improvement in activity was not widespread, and it was strongly conditioned by energy.

Industrial Production (IPI) chained seven months of increases up to June, that consolidate the growth trend registered from late 2014. Thus, June closed the quarter with an overall improvement of Industrial Activity (1.7% QoQ SWDA on average), reaching its highest level since 4Q10.