
Labour Force Survey

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Employment hardly changed between October and December seasonally adjusted (0.0% quarter-on-quarter), but hours worked increased (0.5%). Unemployment and temporary employment rates fell (13.0% and 17.9% QoQ, respectively). In 2022, 617,000 jobs were created (3.1%) and the unemployment rate fell by 1.9pp to 12.9%.

Seasonality drove job creation (77,700) and contained the unemployment rate (12.7%). Seasonally adjusted figures (SWDA) show that employment fell (-0.1% QoQ), hours worked slowed (0.7%) and the unemployment rate rebounded (13.2%). However, temporary rate decreased (19.6% SWDA).

Seasonality boosted employment (383,300) and the unemployment rate fell (12,5%). Seasonally adjusted figures show that job creation was modest (0,6% quarter-on-quarter), but hours worked increased (1,1%) and unemployment and temporary rates fel…

Negative seasonality caused a decline in employment (-100,200) and an increase in the unemployment rate (13.6%). However, the adjusted figures (SWDA) are positive: employment grew by 1.1% qoq, hours worked by 0.8%, the unemployment rate fell to…

In 4Q21, employment grew by 153,900 people (4.3% YoY), but hours worked hardly improved. The 158,900 drop in the labor force helped the unemployment rate to fall to 13.3%. In 2021, 571,200 jobs were created (3.0%) and the unemployment rate dec…

Using data from the Spanish Labor Force Survey (EPA), this Working Paper extends through 2019, the annual series of the educational level of the Spanish population and regions produced in de la Fuente and Doménech (2016) for the period 1960-2011.

The labour market regained some of the momentum lost during the year. Despite the negative seasonality, EPA employment increased by 92,600 people (2.1% y/y) and the unemployment rate fell 0.1pp to 13.8%. On average, 451,600 jobs were created during the year (2.3% y/y) and the unemployment rate fell by 1.2pp to 14.1%

Despite the positive seasonality, employment increased by only 69,400 people (1.8% a/a), less than expected. This, combined with the rise in active population, led to a modest fall in the unemployment rate (-0.1pp to 13.9%). Excluding seasonali…

The favorable seasonality contributed to an increase in employment of 333,800 people in the 2Q19 (2.4% a/a), less than expected. Active population surprised positively, so that the unemployment rate only decreased 7 tenths to 14.0%. Excluding s…

The recovery of the Labor market continued in 1Q19. The unfavorable seasonality led to a fall in Labor Force Survey employment of 93,500 people and an increase in the unemployment rate to 14.7%. After correcting this factor, quarterly employmen…

The labor market recovered with more momentum than expected in 4Q18. Employment increased by 36,600 people (3% YoY) according to the Spanish Labor Force Survey, despite negative seasonality, and the unemployment rate fell by a tenth to 14.4%. Over the course of the year, 502,900 jobs were created (2.7% YoY) and the unemploy…

The labour market recovery lost traction in Q3, in line with expectations. Favourable seasonality contributed to the increase in Labour Force Survey employment by 183,900 people (2.5% YoY) and to the fall in the unemployment rate to 14.6%. Adjusted for this factor, employment growth decelerated by 0.4 pp to 0.5% QoQ and the…