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In the last 5 years, the effect of “Mother's Day” drove the arrival of 6.5% more remittances in the month of May, compared to the trend marked by the adjacent months of April and June. In 2024, this translates into an amount close to 364 million more dollars in remittances.

Remittances to Mexico increased by 8.4% in the month of October 2023, reaching 5,812 million dollars (md) and marking a record in the receipt of these resources. Thus, they have had a streak of 42 consecutive months with growth, starting in May 2020.

Despite the increase in remittances in dollars, households in Mexico received 9.7% fewer resources in real terms in April, explained by: 1) the appreciation of the peso against the US dollar of 9.8% between April 2022 and April 2023, and 2) an …

Banco del Bienestar leaves the remittance market. The gradual loss in its market share could partly explain this decision: in 2018 it was 4.1%, and in 2022 it was 2.4%. Households in rural and semi-rural areas may be the most affected, since th…

The Latin American economy faces crosswinds in a scenario of disequilibrium, in line with international dynamics, where the main economic variables are still adjusting after the disruptive events of the most recent years.

Mexico consolidates as the second country that receives the most remittances, it will surpass China by more than 7 billion dollars, which is in third position in 2022. Despite the adverse economic conditions, the World Bank forecasts that world remittances will increase 2.7 % in 2023.

Remittances have accumulated a 30-month consecutive upward streak, since May 2020. Despite their dynamism, the inflation in basic basket products (+8.4% in October 2022) and the strength of the Mexican Peso against the US dollar have stagnated the growth of remittances in real terms.

So far in 2022, remittances to Mexico show a lower performance in relative terms compared to other countries in the Latin American and Caribbean region such as Guatemala (+20.8%), Honduras (+20.6%), Nicaragua (+ 38.4%) and Brazil (+25.4%).

The surprising growth of remittances to Mexico during 2020 and 2021 is not particular to the country, but is common among many LAC countries. In 2021, remittances to Guatemala increased 34.9%, higher than the increase in Mexico (+27.1%), El Sal…

In November, remittances to Mexico grew 37.7%. In 2021, the Mexican migrants in the United States grew to 11.9 million, 1 in 5 are employed in the construction sector. Several countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have also reported sign…

Remittances to Mexico have increased 25.6% so far this year. However, this growth is common in the region, the World Bank estimates that remittances to Latin America and the Caribbean will increase 21.6% during 2021.

In June, 4,440 million dollars (md) entered Mexico in remittances (+ 25.5%) and achieved a streak of 14 consecutive months with increases. During the 1st semester they accumulated 23,618 md, achieving an advance of 22.4% at an annual rate. 95.2% of remittances were sent from the US.