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Excluding positive seasonality, both employment (0.4% QoQ) and hours worked (0.5% QoQ) increased, but at a slower pace than Social Security affiliation (0.8% QoQ). Additionally, both the temporary employment rate and the unemployment rate dropped (to 15.9% and 11.6%, respectively).

In this edition of the QLMO, we analyze the labor market situation with data available up to the first quarter of 2024. We review the trends of the main indicators, examine the differences between the Labor Force Survey and administrative records, and highlight Spain's productivity deficit.

Despite the quarter's negative seasonality, both the number of jobs (up 0.5% quarterly CVEC) and hours worked (up 0.3%) increased. Furthermore, the rate of temporary employment and the unemployment rate both fell (to 16.1% and 11.7% CVEC, respe…

Excluding seasonal factors, occupation outpaced affiliation in 4Q23 (0.6% q/q vs. 0.4% q/q), and worked hours surged to 0.9% q/q. The temporary employment and unemployment rates dropped (to 16.5% and 11.9%, respectively). In 2023, 615,000 jobs …

Employment grew more than expected (209,200 people). After adjusting for seasonality, employment data was positive, both in terms of the number of workers (0.8% QoQ SWDA) and in terms of hours worked. In addition, temporary employment fell (16.…

Employment increased more than expected between April and June (603,900). Excluding seasonality, job creation picked up (1.4% QoQ SWDA), but the decline in average working hours limited the rise in hours worked (0.5%). Moreover, temporary employment (17.1% QoQ SWDA) and the unemployment rate (11.7%) fell.

Job creation rebounded in 3Q21 (1.3% QoQ SWDA; 4.5% YoY) and the number of workers on ERTE or partial unemployment fell to 95,200. The labour force increased strongly after the end of the restrictions, which limited the improvement in the unemployment rate (14.6%)

Job creation picked up (0.8% QoQ SWDA; 5.7% YoY) and the number of employees on ERTE or partial unemployment who did not work halved (207,100).Total hours worked increased significantly (3.4% QoQ SWDA; 34.4% YoY) and the unemployment rate fell …

Employment increased 0.5% QoQ CVEC (-2.4% YoY), more than expected. However, the worked hours decreased (-0.9% QoQ CVEC; -3.5% YoY) and the employees in ERTE or partial unemployment who did not work exceeded 400,000. The decline in labour force…

Employment grew by 167,400 (-3.1% YoY), but 815,600 people worked fewer hours than usual due to ERTE or partial unemployment. The moderate increase in the labour force helped the unemployment rate to fall to 16.1%. In 2020, 576,900 jobs were d…

Job creation was 569,700 (-3.5% YoY). Employees who worked fewer hours than usual due to ERTE or partial unemployment fell to 887,100. The easing of mobility restrictions allowed job searches to take place, which led to a rebound in the active population and, therefore, an increase in the unemployment rate to 16.3%.

Employment decreased by 1,074,100 people (-6.0% y/y). However, employees who worked fewer hours than usual due to ERTEs or partial unemployment amounted to 4,580,000, so the hours worked fell by 22.6% QoQ. The decline in the labour force due to the lockdown limited the rise in the unemployment rate till 15.3%