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In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) has released its 2018 list for the Global Systemically Important Banks (G-SIBs). The total number of G-SIBs decreases to 29 (from 30). The three key changes versus the prior list are: i) one bank in (BPCE); i…

There are three main changes versus the previous list: RBC enters in the 1% bucket and Groupe BPCE exits the list. Bank of China and China Construction Bank rise from the 1% to the 1.5 % bucket. Citigroup falls from the 2.5% to the 2% bucket; B…

This month we focus on: FSB second annual report, Turkey's regulatory framework, macroprudential policy in the banking sector, business model analysis and governance, MREL and TLAC and payment systems.

On 25 June, the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) released a new chapter on addendum on macroprudential leverage ratios (LRs) to its 2014 Handbook on Operationalising Macroprudential Policy in the Banking Sector. It analyses the utility of embedding the LR to the macroprudential tool kit, especially as an effective comple…

This month we focus on: Basel updates progress in Basel III implementation, Europe's Bank Structural Reform, endorsing macroprudential policies, Capital Markets Union, the first six months of European banking supervision, the new resolution tools and liquidity provision and a Digital Single Market strategy for Europe.