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The BBVA Research Multidimensional Manufacturing Indicator fell (-)2.7% YoY in July (the seventh consecutive drop so far this year), pointing towards a gloomy outlook for 2H24

The BBVA Multidimensional Manufacturing Indicator decreased (-)3.8% YoY in June (the sixth consecutive drop so far this year), confirming the prolonged deceleration of the sector.

The BBVA Multidimensional Manufacturing Indicator fell (-)1.8% YoY in May (the fifth consecutive drop so far this year), confirming the prolonged slowdown of the sector due to the lower dynamism of external demand for durable goods.

The BBVA Multidimensional Manufacturing Indicator (MMI) fell (-)2.9% YoY in April, pointing to an extended slowdown in the sector amid the deceleration of external demand

The BBVA Multidimensional Manufacturing Indicator fell (-)1.2% YoY in March (the third consecutive drop so far this year), confirming the prolonged slowdown of the sector, given the gradual slowdown in external demand for durable goods.

The BBVA Multidimensional Manufacturing Indicator fell (-)1.7% YoY in February, bringing the average of the annual change of the first two months of the year to (-)1.2%, 3.2 pp below that registered in the same period of the previous year.

By the end of 2023, Mexico recorded a trade deficit of 5,463 million dollars ($5.46 bn). Manufacturing leads both exports and imports. Mexico solidified its position as the leading supplier in the US market while FDI dropped slightly in 2023.

The BBVA Multidimensional Manufacturing Indicator (BBVA MMI) grew 0.3% YoY in January, pointing to modest growth in the sector given the gradual slowdown in demand for durable goods in the US.

The BBVA Multidimensional Manufacturing Indicator (BBVA MMI) grew 0.1% YoY in December, bringing the average interannual variation in 2023 to 1.2% (vs. 6.3% the previous year)

In this Presentation, we explain how geopolitics is becoming a key economic driver in the change of global value chains and the opportunities this brings to Mexican manufacturing production as well as exploring the regional investment opportuni…

The BBVA Multidimensional Manufacturing Indicator fell (-)2.0% in September, bringing the average annual variation of the first nine months of the year to 1.0% (vs. 4.9% in the same period of the previous year).

On October 11, the Mexican government published in the Official Gazette (DOF) a decree granting tax incentives to key sectors of the export industry such as the immediate deduction of the investment in new fixed assets and additional deductions of labor training expenses.