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In November 2023, remittances to Mexico had an increase of 1.2%, for the month of December it was 2.2%, during the first month of 2024 they increased by 3.1%, and the last data, which corresponds to the month of February, was of 3.7%. Thus, in the last 4 months they have averaged increases of 2.6% at an annual rate.

Despite these important flows, inflation and, mainly, the appreciation of the Mexican peso against the US dollar have led to households in Mexico receiving 12.6% fewer remittances in real terms in August.

Judge blocks the end of Title 42 in the U.S., for 2 years 88.2% of the arrests of Mexican migrants concluded in immediate expulsion. In March 2022, arrests of migrants in the U.S., and also of Mexican migrants, are at their maximum: 221,303 in …

Favorable working conditions in the U.S. drive remittances to Mexico: the unemployment rate of the Mexican immigrants was 4.1% in September 2021. Since last May, the unemployment level of the Mexican immigrants is below average overall in the U…

For the fourth time so far this year, remittances have exceeded their all-time high. The Migration Intensity Index 2020 suggests a reconfiguration of the Migratory Map in Mexico in 2020, where the Traditional region no longer seems to have a do…

The Map, Directory and Database with georeferencing of the main migrant houses, shelters and soup kitchens along the most affluent migration routes through Mexico are presented: the Route to the Northeast Border, the Route to Ciudad Juárez, and the Pacific Route.

Beyond economics, the credit problems of Greece and conflict of Ukraine, the focus in Europe is the most vivid social and humanitarian crisis in decades.