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A boom period in mining investment ended in 2022. Sustained political instability, elevated social unrest and policies being implemented in the sector do not favor investment moving forward, in spite of the country having significant mining resources and relatively low production costs.

Overcoming the economic ravages that this pandemic is leaving will require all the engines that drive productive activity. A sector that can be a catalyst for growth and greater well-being for all Peruvians is mining.

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  • Peru

We estimate that in 2020 mining production will perform better, giving an important support to GDP growth. We also anticipate that mining investment will exhibit a more moderate increase due to the completion of some projects (mainly copper) al…

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  • Peru

The Peruvian mining sector initiates a new investment cycle, particularly in copper mines, in a context in which metal prices cover production costs and where financing costs are still relatively low. The new investment cycle will give importan…

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  • Peru

The growth in the IMACEC in January of 3.9% YoY exceeds market expectations, supported by a genuine upturn in the non-mining sector. Trade, manufacturing and services boosted growth of 3.5% YoY in non-mining activity, while mining expanded by 8…

The growth of 2.6% YoY in the December IMACEC, around what was expected, is a good figure, especially considering that it was a month with two fewer working days. With this, the preliminary growth of 4Q17 and of the year are 2.9% YoY and 1.6%, respectively, giving a positive surprise to the base scenario of the IPoM of Dece…

The November Imacec (monthly indicator of economic activity) has surprised even the most optimistic, growing by 3.2% YoY. In contrast with the last few months, this time mining made less of an impact. Compared to last month, and in deseasonalised terms, aggregate activity grew by 0.7% MoM.

Actividad no minera se contrae interrumpiendo (¿transitoriamente?) un proceso de recuperación. Este registro es compatible con un crecimiento en torno a 1,4% (BC 1,4%; EEE 1,5%), donde los últimos dos meses del año debería promediar algo en tor…

Luego de un fuerte auge, el crecimiento de la producción minera ha empezado a moderarse conforme las minas que entraron en operación en los últimos años alcanzan su plena capacidad operativa. Hacia adelante, en un contexto en el que se han recu…

Pese a fuerte incidencia de minería (0,9pp), Imacec de septiembre de 1,3% a/a se ubica bajo lo esperado por el mercado. Sectores no mineros muestran una clara desaceleración, con un crecimiento mensual desestacionalizado nulo. El mes contó con …

Cerca de la mitad del crecimiento del mes estaría explicado por RR.NN.

Ésta es una actividad económica muy importante en el Perú.En los próximos años, el sector impulsará el crecimiento económico en torno al 1 pp (por cobre).Con el fin de continuar atrayendo inversión minera,Perú está bien posicionado en términos de recursos geológicos y bajo costo de producción,pero es necesario mejorar el ma…

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  • Peru