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Mobile banking represents a turning point in traditional banking and a new paradigm for the financial system. The study seeks to show the most current statistics regarding the main trends in access, having and use of this technology and to offer some perspectives in the years to come.

In December 2023, the CNBV presented the latest update of its quarterly database on Financial Inclusion for 2023-2Q (financial services of banking and Popular Savings and Credit Entities). This note describes some results and compares them with the information before the pandemic.

The growth of smartphone usage will boost the demand for mobile banking services. Young individuals are the predominant users of mobile banking technology

This work analyzes recent experiences in the regulatory field with respect to mobile banking in Colombia and explores the potential for greater development of these programs

A partir del análisis de microdatos, el trabajo confirma el avance paulatino que se viene dando en el país y se identifica las enormes posibilidades para potenciar una mayor inclusión financiera.

El presente trabajo busca describir el estado actual del desarrollo de la banca móvil y aproximar la demanda potencial que tendría el canal de banca móvil, así como el dinero electrónico.

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  • Peru

El bajo nivel de bancarización en México plantea el reto de incrementar la oferta de servicios financieros a través de canales innovadores

The low levels of banking penetration present the challenge of increasing the range of financial services through the use of technological advances.