
Mortgage market

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Construction grows 10.5% in the second trimester of 2023, the impulse comes from Civil construction. Mortgage credit shows a contraction of 4.1% on number of mortgages and 8.6% on credit amount. The potential demand for affordable housings amounts to 3.2 million houses.

No signs of a national bubble, despite a 19% increase in home prices since 2012. Home prices in line with fundamentals in most large cities. Resilience to adverse shocks varies significantly by city

Demand for housing closed in positive territory in 1Q15, buoyed by a livelier mortgage market and the stabilisation of home prices. The more sluggish construction activity in March failed to hold back growth over the quarter, while the real est…

The number of mortgages granted in the first five months of the year fell by 12.6% compared to the same period of 2013, while the total financed shrank by 2% in real terms

Analysis of the main characteristics of the mortgage markets regulation in developed countries, trying to extract implications in terms of the resilience of the different systems during this crisis