
MPR (Monetary Policy Rate)

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The Central Bank (CBRT) kept the policy rate, keeping a tone similar to September MPC, despite the negative surprise of the September inflation. We maintain our first rate cut expectation in December with a 250 bps cut, where the timing and magnitude would depend on how the monthly inflation trend is improving.

The Central Bank kept the policy rate unchanged at 50%. The bank smoothed its tone by changing the statement that monetary policy will be tightened when necessary to that monetary policy tools will be used effectively. Still, they emphasize inflation expectations and pricing behaviors as risks to the disinflation.

The Central Bank (CBRT) kept the policy rate at 50% in line with the expectations. They repeat their commitment to support monetary transmission mechanism via additional macro-prudential measures if needed.

After a weak GDP growth of 0.4% in 2023, activity will grow 3.2% in 2024 due to the recovery of the agricultural sector, hydroelectric power generation and private consumption. Even so, reforms are needed to gain competitiveness and maintain a …

The transmission lag of monetary policy to the price level is five and two quarters for the US and Mexican economies, respectively. A surprise of 50 basis points in the reference rate would reduce the price level by 0.54% and 0.14% in the US an…

The Central Bank of Turkey (CBRT) kept the policy rate (one-week repo) at 19% in line with the expectations. Given the worsened inflation outlook, the CBRT tries to manage by eliminating any early rate cut expectations thus, we expect an easing cycle only very gradually in late 3Q and end the year with 16% policy rate.

The Central Bank of Turkey raised the policy rate by 200bps to 10.25%. The CBRT justifies decision with the inflationary pressures coming from a strong path of the economic recovery (in line with our view) and supply-side effects due to the recent exchange rate depreciation.

Yet, we continue to expect Banxico to cut the policy rate until it reaches c. 0% real levels by year-end ie, 3.0% to 3.5%. The Board’s concerns on the ER should have eased in the intermeeting period.

Banxico should speed up its slow pace of easing and implement additional liquidity measures. There is scope for both further cuts in the policy rate and implementing additional liquidity support measures.

Central Bank sees almost no room for further monetary stimulus. The risks on the downside are accentuated for inflation 2018.

En línea con las expectativas, Banco Central mantiene la TPM y sesgo moderadamente expansivo

El plazo para introducir mayor estímulo monetario comienza a agotarse.