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Activity grew strongly in 4Q23 (0.6% q/q), despite the fall in most investment components. The improvement in activity is entirely attributable to the increase in employment, as productivity fell. All in all, GDP grew by 2.5% in 2023, slightly exceeding expectations.

The economy slowed down in 3Q23 (to 0.3% quarter-on-quarter) due to sluggish external demand and despite the good performance of most domestic demand. The advance in activity occurred in a context marked by a marginal increase in both hours worked and productivity per hour.

Presentation for the Conference on Real-Time Data Analysis, Methods, and Applications hosted by Bank of Spain. We apply National accounting principles to obtain real-time, high-frequency Big Data consumption indicators with many applications.

Big Data techniques used

La economía creció el 0,2% t/t mostrando una composición atípica de la demanda en la que las principales partidas cayeron con fuerza y se dio un intenso proceso de sustitución de importaciones. En este contexto, las horas trabajadas disminuyero…

The economy slowed somewhat less than expected (to 0,1% q/q), largely due to the resilience of private consumption and exports, as well as to a smaller-than-expected deterioration in investment. In this context, total hours worked declined marg…

We provide the first proof of concept that naturally occurring data from millions of financial transactions can be harnessed to estimate national accounts in real time and high definition

Big Data techniques used

The economy accelerated more than expected (to 1.1% q/q) due to strength in private consumption and construction. However, there are some less positive elements on the demand side, as growth was constrained by a decline in machinery and equipment investment and goods exports

The economy slowed in 4Q21 (2.2% q/q), but the composition of demand was virtuous. Specifically, growth was supported, above all, by investment and exports. Thus, 2021 closed with an annual increase of 5.1%, confirming BBVA Research forecasts

The economy slowed in 4Q21 (2.0% q/q), but the composition of demand was virtuous. In particular, growth was supported by investment and trade flows. Thus, 2021 closed with an annual increase of 5%, which confirms BBVA Research forecasts and pl…

The economy showed less dynamism than expected. Private consumption and housing drained growth, while productive investment and external demand added. Hours worked barely grew, so most of the improvement in activity is attributable to productiv…

As expected, the economy resumed a strong recovery following the easing of the mobility restrictions linked to the state of emergency. Domestic demand added, thanks to consumption, while total investment and external demand subtracted. Hours worked grew more than activity

The Spanish economy contracted in 1Q21 (-0.5% q/q), although less than expected (-0.9% q/q). The lower reduction in exports offset the expected fall in private consumption. If this estimate and the trend of recent indicators are confirmed, growth could exceed the 5.5% forecast by BBVA Research in 2021.