
Natural Language Processing

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We analyze the evolution of the semiconductor industry with the use of Big Data from global news databases (from GDELT) and NLP tecniques for sentiment analysis. By complementing with Google Trends and other BBVA Research geopolitical indicators, we analyze the main actors and components of the industry evolution.

The BBVA Research geopolitical monitor gathers real-time geopolitical indicators constructed from news processed with NLP, which allow for monitoring the media reaction to geopolitical and social events. This note has been published in the European Money and Finance Forum (SUERF).

The NLP importance in business and economics as a key source of information to enrich business and economic analysis. US corporate quarterly and annual reports provide a comprehensive overview on a company's activities and financial performance…

We apply the natural language processing or computational linguistics (NLP) to the analysis of the communication policy (i.e statements and minutes) of the Central Bank of Turkey (CBRT). While previous literature has focused on Developed countr…