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In 2024, prospects will improve, with service exporting communities benefiting most, while stagnant exports limit the progress of many industrial regions. In 2025, growth moderates and shifts to areas with less tourism weight.

In 2024, the prospects will improve in all the Autonomous Communities, driven by employment, domestic consumption and, above all, service exports. In 2025, the push will come from the industrial communities and the recovery of the south after the drought, with tourist communities losing momentum.

72.7 billion euros, 91% of the planned total, has been approved over the lifetime of the Recovery Plan, but only around 33.5 billion (42% of the planned amount) have been resolved. In total, it is estimated that the funds would be reaching more…

Catalonia's economy will grow by 2.7% in 2023 but will slow down to 1.8% in 2024. This will allow the creation of 180,000 jobs in the biennium.

Without significant changes in the regional growth hierarchy in 2023. In 2024, external demand weakens the progress of activity, with a greater impact on the more open regions.

Spanish GDP growth forecast in 2023 is maintained at 2.4%, and the forecast in 2024 is revised down to 1.8%, given the declining global outlook, particularly in Europe, in an environment of high uncertainty. Added to this is the increase in oil prices.

Catalonia's GDP to grow by 2.6% in 2023 and 2.0% in 2024. Catalonia will return to the pre-pandemic level of GDP in 2023, and throughout 2024 it could regain that of GDP per capita. Almost 180,000 new jobs could be created between 2023 and 2024.

Upward revision of the Spanish economy in 2023 to 2.4%, to be led by the Balearic Islands, Canary Islands and Madrid. But growth in 2024 is revised by 0.5 pp (to 2.1%), due to the slowdown in the tourism industry, the rise in interest rates, an…

GDP growth is revised upwards in 2022 and 2023 to 5.5% and 1.6%, respectively, and downwards in 2024 to 2.6%. The Spanish economy is holding up better than expected, although persistent inflation and the expectation of higher interest rates wor…

GDP growth forecast is revised moderately upwards to 4.6% in 2022 and 1.2% in 2023. The economy is holding up better than expected and the probability of recession is reduced. Activity will gain traction as NGEU funds are implemented and uncert…

Central Government has authorized (approved and implemented) spending programs linked to the RRTP amounting to 43.7 billion euros, 83% of what was planned for 2021 and 2022. Of these, Central Government would have granted and awarded investment programs for more than 11.6 billion euros.

GDP growth in 2022 is revised upwards (4.4%) and the outlook deteriorates in 2023 (1.0%). The economy could remain stagnant in the coming quarters, or register moderate declines, due to heightened uncertainty, higher inflation expectations and interest rates.