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In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

Weekly update with most relevant news on financial regulation

Highlights: ESAs issue report on risk and vulnerabilities. EBA issues clarifications for API under PSD2 and risk dashboard. ESMA launches CCP stress test. OJEU publishes equivalence decisions. BdE issues supervision report. CNMV issues Brexit i…

Highlights: BCBS issues follow-up report on Basel III implementation. ECB issues statement on securitizations, report on banking supervision, and macroprudential bulletin. EC and ESMA issue statements on adjustments for Brexit contingency plans…

Highlights: EBA publishes stress tests results. ESMA issues RTS preparing for a hard Brexit. ESAs consult on guidelines for AML/CFT and on changes to PRIIPs. Council issues conclusions on climate finance. OJEU publishes RTS on benchmark regulat…

Highlights: BCBS issues progress report on Basel III implementation. EBA will publish stress test results, and issues guidance on management of NPEs. ECB issues its supervisory priorities. ESAs issue proposal for ECAIs. UK Treasury issues SI preparing for Brexit. US Agencies consult on regulatory requirements for large bank…

Highlights: BCBS issues stress testing principles, consults on treatment of cleared derivatives in the leverage ratio, and issues statement on window-dressing behaviour for the leverage ratio. The NGFS issues its first progress report. OJEU publishes implementing regulation regarding critical benchmarks. PRA and FCA issue c…