
Pacific Alliance

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The RCEP is indeed a milestone for regional economic integration and post-pandemic economic recovery for member countries. In addition, it will strengthen the supply chain synchronization among the regional members that has been disrupted by the recent COVID-19 pandemic and China-US decoupling.

The Pacific Alliance (PA) has a high position regarding Internet contents compared to LATAM. However, it has an improvement margin in terms of Internet affordability. Chile registers an advantageous position in all dimensions of the digitization index among the PA members. The home is the main place to access the Internet, …

The tailwinds that Latin America had enjoyed for ten years over 2004 to 2013 (the steady rise of commodity prices, driven up by China, and helpful international borrowing conditions) have now died down and there is no prospect of them returning…

La Alianza del Pacífico (AP) es la sexta mayor economía mundial y será la cuarta que más contribuirá al crecimiento mundial en los próximos 10 años. La AP apuesta por la integración comercial y financiera dentro del bloque con el resto del mund…

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With the entry of the Mexican Stock Exchange the largest stock exchange in Latin America, both capitalization and number of firms created contributors

El protocolo comercial firmado este lunes es el acuerdo más relevante luego del inicial Acuerdo Macro.

The Pacific Alliance (PA) is the sixth biggest economy in the world and will be the fourth in term of contribution to global growth in the next 10 years