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This Working Paper offers rigorous statistical evidence on the influence of the reduction in mobility, derived from the COVID-19 pandemic, on the concentration levels of pollutants that affect air quality in the Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Mexico.

There is evidence that climate change is largely caused by human action: greenhouse gases emissions into the atmosphere are the main cause of global warming.

The European economy faces an unprecedented challenge: reducing greenhouse gas emissions by over 40% over the next 10 years in order to achieve the objectives of the European Green Deal.

A necessary condition for mitigating GHG emissions from road transport is its electrification. To maximise the contribution of the electric vehicle to meeting the decarbonisation targets, its diffusion must be accelerated and the share of fossi…

Did you buy an automobile in 2018? If so, was this a decision you'd considered in advance? Or were you encouraged to do so by ads from manufacturers and distributors with eye-catching discounts, driven by the new emissions approval cycle known …

The pollution of the oceans by plastic is one of the most severe environmental problems facing humanity. This phenomenon has recently come to the fore in public opinion thanks to the distribution of distressing images on the internet and social media. Photographs of marine animals killed by ingestion, suffocation or entangl…

Bringing opportunities in the circular economy. A crisis of planetary proportions. An ocean of plastic. Preventing plastics from reaching the ocean. For banks, plastics could be more than credit cards.