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Since 2008, private consumption in real terms has failed to keep up with output. Notably, its share in GDP has fallen from 60.7% in 2008 to 56.5% in 2022.

This Working Paper describes the latest update of the sectoral module of the RegData FEDEA-BBVA database, in which the regional series of employment (employed and salaried), Gross Value Added (GVA) at current and constant prices and employee compensation in the main RegData module are disaggregated by sector.

With US having abandoned the nuclear agreement with Iran, oil prices have rebounded amid expectations of a tightening supply. Paradoxically, the higher prices caused concern in the OPEC and amongst its partners. Whilst it is true that higher cr…

La mejora en las condiciones de accesibilidad y la política de bonificaciones ofrecida, contribuyó a un nuevo boom de ventas en 2017. Estimamos que las ventas totales en 2018 llegaran a 950.000 unidades, apenas por debajo del récord de 2013, de…