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The BBVA GDP Tracker, which is a real-time estimation tool for economic activity, anticipates the beginning of a slow recovery of GDP from September 2023. However, this upturn will come from low levels of economic growth, which are well below the country's historical average.

The estimates made by ECLAC, Coneval and BBVA Research are presented on the effect that the current crisis by Covid-19 can have on the increase in poverty and extreme poverty levels in Mexico in 2020.

Projections on the behavior of the total number of Covid-19 cases in Mexico for the 16th week of 2020, from April 15 to 19, are presented.

Due to the uncertainty regarding its duration, it is difficult to estimate the impacts of the Covid-19 crisis on the flow of remittances to Mexico. This article makes an estimate based on the effects of the past global financial recession of 20…

The enormous human cost of the coronavirus crisis is in addition to a considerable global economic impact, which will almost certainly lead to negative growth rates in most of the advanced economies.

We are trying to assess a large group of forecasting models’ performance in predicting China’s inflation. Both linear and structural forecasting models are discussed, estimated and evaluated based on some typical criteria such as RMSE, MAE and Theil-U.

In recent weeks, I have had several meetings with investors, customers and analysts, and in each one, after an hour of talking, they have made me realize how few references I make to inflation. At the end, they'll say "OK, now tell us your thoughts on inflation."