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Bank performance in 2023 was affected by a lackluster macro environment, primarily due to the downturn in the property market. Bank's housing sector exposure declining, but risks from local government financial vehicles remain concerning.

Although bank assets continued to expand in 2022, banks' profitability is weighed by narrowing interest margins amid a challenging operating environment. Asset risks are rising, the risks associated with the property market could exacerbate the debt overhang problem.

Although the NPL ratio in the banking system declined as banks sped up the disposal of bad loans, asset risk remained high amid the repeated pandemic threats and the slow recovery. The risks associated with Evergrande’s fallout are manageable a…

Forbearance aims at relieving the financial burden to borrowers under temporary difficulties. Forbearance measures were widely applied during the crisis sometimes heterogeneously until the EBA harmonised definitions and the treatment of forbear…