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Pro-cyclical policies and threats to the viability of the eurozone are two obstacles that are best avoided as we move forward. What’s left of the fiscal consolidation process is certainly significant and there should first be a consensus on how best achieve it.

Three years after the pandemic began, the imbalance in the public accounts looks to be finally returning to pre-COVID levels. However, public expenditure will be 6 pp of GDP higher than three years ago.

In 2022, the support measures put in place by the government in a bid to combat rising energy prices are expected to reach 16 billion euros, or around 1.3% of GDP. Despite this, the imbalance in the public accounts is following a similar path t…

The Ministry of Finance estimates that the loss of revenue collection from excise taxes on fuels will be around MXN 421,600 million (1.5% of GDP) and oil-related income will be MXN 368,710 million (1.3% of GDP) above budget. Consequently, this …

While real-time indicators of GDP growth in Spain point to an acceleration in the second quarter compared to the first, uncertainty has increased significantly due to the risk of an international recession.

In March 2022 the historic balance of public sector borrowing requirements (HBPSBR) was 46.8% vs. 50.0% of GDP in December 2021. The reduction in such balance was due to the fall of 1.7 and 1.5 percentage points of GDP in the internal and external debt component, respectively.

In December 2021 the historic balance of public sector borrowing requirements (HBPSBR) was 50.3% vs. 51.7% of GDP in December 2020. The reduction in such balance was due to the fall of 1.6 percentage points of GDP in the external debt component. In contrast, the domestic debt element increased by 0.2 percentage points.

In September the historic balance of public sector borrowing requirements (HBPSBR) was 48.4% vs. 52.4% of GDP in December 2020. Among other reasons, the GDP growth forecast for 2021 significantly contributed to the reduction in the HBPSBR betwe…

In June the historic balance of public sector borrowing requirements (HBPSBR) was 47.3% vs. 52.4% of GDP in December of 2020. Among other reasons, the GDP growth forecast for 2021 significantly contributed to the reduction in the HBPSBR between…

This article assesses the contribution to financial and social sustainability, of the draft bill covering the recent agreement on pensions reached between the government, unions and employer organizations.

Boosting tax revenue with VAT requires the elimination of the zero-rate for many products with the exception of some food items and would be justified by tax regressivity

¿Qué sería recomendable a la hora de elaborar los presupuestos? ¿Qué hay detrás del deterioro en las perspectivas de reducción del déficit público? Un análisis sobre los presupuestos de las AA. PP. para 2016.