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The 2022 economic package reinforces the commitment to fiscal discipline. The forecast of higher tax revenue is supported by improved intake practices and streamlining actions with more fiscal oversight for the compliance of tax payments. The federal law of income does not contemplate creating or raising taxes.

This week the Ministry of Finance released the fiscal package that he presented to Congress for next year. It is the third presented by this administration. I think it is positive that, after three fiscal packages, it can be confirmed that it is a government committed to maintaining fiscal balances.

Economic package reinforces signals of fiscal discipline by establishing a primary surplus target at a weak period of the business cycle.Consequently, it is positive that the federal government has proposed a primary surplus of 0.7% of GDP inst…

Although the consultation indicates that the new refinery in Dos Bocas will cost 50 billion pesos (0.22% of GDP), we consider that it refers only to the first stage, since the incoming Secretary of Energy, Rocío Nahle, estimated that it would c…

Today we expect Brazil GDP for 2Q14 to remain at 0.1% QoQ although with a downward bias. We are also expecting activity data from Chile where a weak print would not be a surprise