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Societies that successfully strive for an investment-friendly environment will succeed in transforming their economies after the pandemic and will address the digital and environmental challenges prior to COVID-19. An efficient combination of private and public investment will be crucial.

In the long run, countries with higher private investment experience higher rates of growth. Therefore, good public policies that encourage permanent increases in private investment rates lead to increases in long-term economic growth and welfare.

En junio, la inversión pública del gobierno general registró una contracción de 5%, en especial por la caída acentuada del gobierno nacional. Para la segunda parte del año, proyectamos que la inversión del gobierno nacional recuperará dinamismo…

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  • Peru

Government expenditure may increase 8% YoY in 2H14. The under execution of public investment during the first part of the year and the compromise of the Finance Minister to counter-cyclical fiscal policy may have a significant contribution on G…