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Savings in Colombia have decreased, affecting investment in key sectors. Increasing disposable income and savings is crucial to fostering economic growth. Policies should focus on promoting savings and productive investment.

The saving rate in Colombia transitioned from satisfactory levels to finance investment and long-term growth at the end of the first decade of this century and the beginning of the second, to a level that is among the lowest in the world and in its history by 2023: this is the main cause of the current low investment.

This year will go from less to more, but it could trend even more positively if investment gains momentum. This hinges on broader factors like the country's medium-term outlook concerning growth, fiscal matters, regulations, and inflation, amon…

The size of Spain's public sector and its impact on economic growth is a controversial issue, with opposing views and biases that can affect the interpretation of the evidence.

The GDP of Extremadura would have grown by 2.6% in 2018, 0.5 p.p. above the growth of 2017, and is expected to increase by 2.4% in 2019 and 1.9% in 2020. This will add around thirteen thousand new jobs between the end of 2018 and 2020 and the u…

In this paper, the productivity of the public sector in Spain is analyzed comparatively. Although the public sector is not the main cause behind the negative behavior of productivity in Spain, there is ample room for improvement to reach the levels of efficiency and effectiveness presented by the rest of the main peers.

Budget execution data confirms the expansionary stance of fiscal policy in 2016. The new measures adopted will increase the compliance with the new target by the end of the year. However, reaching the target in 2017 will require additional actions, given the growth forecasts and the temporary impact of some of the measures …

The general government debt. Spanish remained at 99.3% of GDP at the end of the third quarter. debt reducction of the central government and local governments have offset the regions observed increase. The new financial facility for the regions…

The public deficit (excluding local governments) stood at 3.4% of GDP until September, which improves the figure from a year ago. Despite the good performance of the central government, the pace of adjustment does not seem enough to offset the …

Public deficit in July 2015 improved by 2,4% of GDP in the annual accumulated, .6pp above the registered last year. The slow rate of the recovery of revenues observed until July requires a tight control of public finances, in order to meet the …

The Public deficit raised to 0.7% of GDP in 1Q15. Until April, budget execution set the deficit (exc. local corporations) at around 1.1% of GDP . This improvement was due to both central government and regions. Meanwhile, Social Security registered a lower surplus than the previous year.