
Regional income

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This Working Paper analyzes the evolution in regional revenues and expenditures, the sector’s budget balance and its debt stock from 2003 to the present.

This Working Paper analyzes the trend in regional revenues and expenditures, including the sector's budget balance and its debt position from 2003 through to the present day.

This new Working Paper analyzes the trend in regional revenues and expenditure, including the sector’s budget balance and its debt position from 2003 through to the present day.

This Working Paper establishes some preliminary estimates of the funding received by the autonomous communities under the common system during the 2020 financial year, highlighting the differences in the evolution of autonomous financing during…

This Working Paper analyzes the evolution of the country's regional finances from 2003 to the present day, with a particular focus on 2020, for which the preliminary data has just been published.

This report analyzes the evolution of regional income and expenditure, the budget balance of the sector and its debt stock from 2003 to the present, with attention to per capita expenditure at constant prices. The accounts for recent years are also analysed, highlighting the effect of some non-standard factors.

The analysis starts from the 2003 financial year because this is the first year in which all autonomous communities were responsible for managing healthcare for the full financial year.

The economy of Madrid grew 3.7% in 2016, and will still grow 3.4% in 2017 and 2.9% in 2018. This will add around 135,000 new jobs in that period and unemployment shall drop to 10.4%. Although pre-crisis GDP and GDP per head level have already b…

En este informe se analiza la evolución de los ingresos y gastos autonómicos y el saldo presupuestario del sector desde 2003 hasta el presente. En la primera parte del trabajo se presta especial atención al comportamiento del gasto por habitant…

Los saldos presupuestarios de las comunidades autónomas han mejorado sólo muy ligeramente durante 2015 a pesar de la reducción en casi 3.500 millones de euros del gasto en intereses que se ha producido en Contabilidad Nacional como resultado de…

Los saldos presupuestarios de las comunidades autónomas han continuado mejorando en 2013, aunque a un ritmo inferior al de 2012, gracias a la estabilización de los ingresos y a la continuada reducción del gasto. Sin embargo, más del 60% de la reducción del gasto registrada durante el ejercicio proviene del recorte de las …

En esta nota se introducen algunos ajustes a los datos presupuestarios disponibles sobre los ingresos y los gastos de las comunidades autónomas con el fin de corregir las distorsiones generadas