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We present a summary and analysis of the most relevant developments and publications in Mexico's financial regulatory landscape.

We present a summary and analysis of the most relevant developments and publications in Mexico's financial regulatory landscape.

Repo Rates: Slight increase in average daily intervention to $86bn as Fed conducts small operation exercises on its desk to test its operational readiness. Fed Balance Sheet: Total assets reach $4.08tn, the highest amount since January 2019.

Repo Rates: Average daily intervention holds steady at $84bn given Fed’s daily commitment to $120bn through October and no major shocks.

Repo Rates: Rates stabilize as average daily intervention inches up to $84bn during the week. Fed recalibrates intervention: daily up to $120bn from $75bn and term up to $45bn from $35bn.

Repo Rates: Rates trended higher but pressures receded after increased intervention. Fed Open Market Operations: Average daily intervention jumped to $81bn during the week; Repo operations will continue at least through January.

Repo Market: No major spikes in rates. Average daily intervention since 9/17 jumps to $65bn; Fed commits to overnight repo operations at least through January 2020; Several FOMC members suggest introducing standing repo facility.