
Reverse mortgage

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Law delimits Reverse Mortgage rates below the average mortgage rate. Trust in charge of SEDESOL-CDMX will be an option for pensioners. Loans can not be less than 70% of the value of the property

In this work we assess the potential of reverse mortgages as an alternative income stream in retirement. Our work focuses on Mexico

El aumento en la esperanza de vida impone un desafío al financiamiento en los ingresos al retiro

By means of the Reverse Mortgage contract, people aged over 60 will be able to receive a life annuity, using their own home as collateral

Reverse mortgages have been established as an alternative for generating liquid flows of income during retirement in some developed countries. This work focuses on the case of Chile

El presente trabajo analiza las potencialidades del desarrollo de las hipotecas inversas como alternativa de ingresos para la vejez. Se centra en el estudio del caso de Chile