
RMB Internationalization

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We analyze the recent progress of RMB internationalization in BBVA footprint countries including Spain, Türkiye, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Venezuela and Brazil.

The report is trying to help to understand the recent important hot topics on Chinese economy and financial markets, including the ongoing regulatory storms, the crucial transformation of China’s industrial policy, the monetary policy independency and the ultimate goal of China’s financial liberalization reform.

The RMB has taken steps on its internationalization march. This ppt reviews RMB's expanding role in global trade and businesses in the past decade, strategies to increase overseas usage of RMB and "811" devaluation and its implication. The next…

This paper analyzes empirically the determinants behind the choice of countries signing an RMB-denominated Bilateral Swap Agreement (BSA) with China

Along with the steady pace of RMB internationalization, this paper proposes Taiwan as a potential candidate to become the next RMB offshore center.

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