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Last December home sales contracted again and 2019 was the first year of falling sales since the beginning of the recovery in 2014. In response, house prices grew less sharply in the last quarter of the year. Meanwhile, visa signatures fell in November

Home sales lost traction in 1H19 despite positive demand determinants. At the same time, construction activity maintained its growth trend. Housing price showed an upward trend, especially for new housing. The market shows a high regional heterogeneity

In 2017 the real estate sector grew for the fourth year in a row, posting most dynamism in regions that had not led the recovery, partly thanks to the healthy demand for secondary residences. In 2018 the sector will continue to evolve unevenly …

Without knowing the data for the last quarter, it could be said that the balance of the real estate sector in 2017 has been positive, thanks to the foundations on which it continues to be based. The uncertainty of the events in Catalonia and so…

The price adjustment we anticipated in our previous report materialised in 2017. Today we do not see significant misalignment in house prices. In the residential sector, an upturn in demand would make it possible to reduce the price gap with re…