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2022 has been a year of transition for banking. It started off with a lot of dynamism, as the economic recovery was expected to consolidate, leaving the pandemic behind us. But the war initiated by Russia in Ukraine radically changed the course of events.

The Covid crisis has shown that the reform of international financial regulation in recent years has not corrected the procyclicality problem. On the contrary, this problem has worsened as a result of the new accounting standards. The article explores the reasons for this and possible policy measures to address the problem.

The last weekend of March saw the Spanish Government make the isolation measures in the country more restrictive, bringing a halt to all non-essential activity in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Activities considered essential include …

Regulation 2015: taking stock and priorities. Focus on: solvency, resolution, Systemically Important Financial Institutions, shadow banking, derivatives reforms, macro-prudential regulation, the new liquidity framework and the digital revolutio…

This month we focus on the BIS annual report, banking union and contributions to new institutions, kick off Single Resolution Board, the European framework for Global Systemically Important Banks, the treatment of covered bonds, macroprudential…

Law 10/2014 for the arrangement, supervision and solvency of credit institutions continues the transposition into Spanish law of the European solvency rules ('CRD IV pack'), which in turn largely implements the new global prudential framework, known as Basel III.

The Spanish banking sector has gone through one of the most comprehensive and thorough restructurings in the eurozone. This paper reviews the successive measures taken to reform the banking sector since the crisis began, particularly those adopted from February 2012 onwards to adjust asset value, the signing of the Memorand…

The solvency of the Spanish system is not as bad as it may be inferred from the results of the recent EBA exercise, which does not address banks' balance sheet problems, such as legacy or real estate assets.