
South America

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Comentarios a la conferencia de T. Kehoe, "Latinoamérica: Riesgos y desafíos en un contexto desafiante", presentada en la convención 56º Convención Bancaria, "Construyendo oportunidades para todos", organizado por Asobancaria en Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

Remittances to several countries in Latin America and the Caribbean grew at double digits during the month of February 2021: Mexico (+ 16.2% in USD), Guatemala (+ 16.7%), El Salvador (+ 13.0%), Dominican Republic (+ 27.6%) and Colombia (15.4%).

The infographic contains information on the countries of South America, where it is highlighted that, in 2018, the region received 18.5 billion USD on remittances and, in 2017, there were 12.0 million emigrants.