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We provide the first proof of concept that naturally occurring data from millions of financial transactions can be harnessed to estimate national accounts in real time and high definition

Household savings increased by a factor of 2.3 in 2020 as a result of the restrictions imposed by the epidemiological situation and the fear of contagion. Moving forward, the absorption of excess savings is a source of uncertainty that could mean an upward bias to short term growth.

The Spanish economy could contract by 11.5% in 2020 and grow by 7% in 2021. The drop in activity could exceed 20% in 1H20. However, the easing of restrictions has allowed the recovery to begin. GDP could increase by 10% quarter on quarter in 3Q…

Employment in the hospitality industry has seen significant growth during the period of economic recovery in Spain. In some provinces on the Mediterranean coast, the sector has accounted for a third of employment since 2013. These provinces are…

Spain is not different. Just as in other developed countries, the country’s economy has shown a trend towards deindustrialisation and tertiarisation. Should this worry us? The authorities seem to be concerned.

The Spanish economy has been experiencing a trend toward deindustrialization and tertiarization since the 1980s. This has seemingly led to a pattern of "premature deindustrialization" in some of Spain's autonomous communities; that is, a reduced proportion of the total workforce in manufacturing before having reached the le…

Foreign tourism has been one of the main factors in economic recovery. However, growth slowed in 2018 and this trend may continue, given the less favourable external situation, the improvement in competing markets and some supply restrictions. Thus, the current climate should be seen as an opportunity to recover competitive…

In addition to facing global challenges, the Spanish economy must face a broad set of reforms and policies to successfully overcome its challenges in the long term, make the most of the opportunities opened up by the digital revolution, increas…

In Spain, positive bias is confirmed for 2016, but new elements in the scenario compel to reduce 2017 growth foresight.

The trend in the variables observed indicates that the recovery of the Spanish economy is continuing on from the start of the second half-year. With nearly 50% of the information available for 3Q16, the MICA-BBVA1 model estimates that quarterly…

La falta de reducción del déficit público durante los últimos meses tiene varios costes. Uno es que introduce una innecesaria volatilidad en el crecimiento, sin que posiblemente se haya hecho el uso más eficiente de esos recursos. Otro, es que debilita la credibilidad de las administraciones públicas.

I am part of a cult. At least that is the perception of many economists when I tell them that I studied for my Ph.D. in Minnesota. Since 2000, 6 people who studied or pursued the most important part of their research agenda at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Minnesota have won the Nobel Prize.