
Spanish Regional Accounts

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The INE has today published the estimate of 2022 GDP growth by autonomous communities in Spain. The results show that the growth hierarchy was in line with what was pointed out by BBVA Research, which predicted greater strength in island and tourist communities, and less in industrial ones.

The INE has today published the first estimate of GDP growth for 2021 by Autonomous Community in Spain. As BBVA Research pointed out, the greatest dynamism was seen in the island and tourist regions. The Canary Islands, Navarre and the Basque Country surprised on the upside, while Castile and Leon surprised on the downside.

The INE has published the first estimate of GDP growth in 2020 by autonomous communities in Spain. The results show that the growth hierarchy was in line with what was pointed out by BBVA Research, which anticipated greater strength in Extremad…

This Working Paper describes the latest update of the sectoral module of the RegData FEDEA-BBVA database, in which the regional series of employment (employed and salaried), Gross Value Added (GVA) at current and constant prices and employee co…

The INE has published the first estimate of 2017 GDP growth by Autonomous Region in Spain (Spanish Regional Accounts, CRE). The results show that growth was higher in eastern and northern Spain, while the central regions of the peninsula, with …

En el presente trabajo se completa la construcción de una base de datos de renta y empleo regional que cubre el período 1955-2014. En él se construyen, en particular, series homogéneas de ocupados, puestos de trabajo y ocupados asalariados, remuneración de asalariados y rentas totales del trabajo para 1955-2014 y series más…

En este trabajo se construyen series “homogéneas” anuales de VAB y PIB a precios corrientes y constantes y de puestos de trabajo para las regiones españolas durante el periodo 1955-2014. Estas series se obtienen enlazando la Contabilidad Regional del INE con las series elaboradas por Julio Alcaide y colaboradores para la Fu…

The regional GDP growth in 2015 published by the INE is in line with the scenario of BBVA Research. The activity accelerated in all communities, showing a higher than average growth in the Mediterranean regions basin and in Madrid. and lower in…

En este trabajo se elaboran series homogéneas de distintos agregados de empleo, output y rentas del trabajo a precios corrientes y constantes para las comunidades autónomas españolas mediante el enlace de las diversas bases de la Contabilidad R…

En este trabajo se elaboran series homogéneas de diversos agregados de empleo asalariado y remuneración de asalariados para España y sus regiones durante el periodo 1986-2014 mediante el enlace de las diversas bases de la Contabilidad Regional …